12 strings theory
12 strings theory

Other past resources notably from GAČR are acknowledged too. Basic Research GAR P201/12/G028 and via the Symmetries in string theory and. It came via the Grant Agency of Czech Republic, contract number GAČR EYI/07/E010. The string theory group is now part of CEICO, the newly established Central.

12 strings theory

In the past (2008-2013) the group's research was funded by the 2007 European Young Investigator Award from EUROHORC's and ESF. The Symmetries in string theory and conformal field theory grant from GAČR No. Within the scheme Projects of Excellence in Basic Research GAČR P201/12/G028 and via CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000437.Īdditionally also by the Eduard Čech Institute for Algebra, Geometry and Physics Presently, the members of the group are funded mostly throughĮU operation program for science, research and innovation, project CoGraDS, No. Please note the very early deadlines for such fellowships. Outstanding candidates who would like to join our group are very welcome to contact us at any time and we will try to assist them in obtaining external funding such as Marie Curie Actions fellowships.įor more information please email schnabl.martin at. The application deadline is February 15th, 2017 and the instructions can be found here. 2011Īt the moment we several postdoctoral openings starting in 2017 (flexible). Nicolas meeting on Strings and Higher Spins, December 3.-5. Gustavo Lucena Gómez (till January, 2015) One option for a solution to this conundrum is string theory, or the idea that everything we perceive as a particle or force is simply an excitation of a closed or open string, vibrating at. For more information on our research interests click Our string theory group is mostly interested in string field theory, conformal field theory, black hole physics, holography in quantum gravity and soon also in higher spin field theories. The new string theory group webpages can be found here.

12 strings theory

The newly established Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics. The string theory group is now part of CEICO,

12 strings theory